Makeup tips for women Over 60: Reclaim Your Glow

Makeup tips for women Over 60: Reclaim Your Glow
Published: Mar 04, 2024

Hello lovely individuals! It's a fact that everyone goes through the process of aging, as it is a natural part of life. However, why can't we embrace aging gracefully like a fine wine? Our skin may show signs of aging, but it doesn't have to be viewed as a negative. Let's choose the path of "well-aging" and enjoy the wonderful journey it brings!

Entering the 60's brings about different experiences and obstacles as our skin matures. These transformations can affect the appearance of our makeup. In my opinion, every age has its own unique beauty, and by making some adjustments to your makeup routine, I can help enhance these changes in a positive way.

If you happen to be someone who is enjoying their fabulous 60s and beyond, then you have found the perfect spot because Red Apple Lipstick has some wonderful makeup suggestions for mature women (specifically those over 60s) that will be discussed in this piece.

Tips for Applying Makeup for Women Over 60: Managing Typical Changes and Worries

Makeup tips for women Cver 60:

As skin matures and ages, it undergoes numerous changes. If one continues to use the same makeup techniques as before, they may find that the results are no longer as satisfactory. This can be especially frustrating for women over the age of 60.

As women age, their skin goes through changes that can greatly impact how their makeup appears. Techniques that were once effective may no longer be as flattering.

Therefore, what are the changes that women over 60 years of age should be cautious of? Let us discuss them.

Read also: How To Care For The Skin Under Your Eyes

Alterations in Skin Appearance

The skin has undergone significant changes during the iconic 60's era. Due to various factors, it may no longer retain its youthful appearance.

Transitioning from Dewy to Dry: Initially, do not forget those times when we had oily or normal skin? However, as we get older, our skin may start to become drier. With age, the skin's ability to retain moisture decreases, resulting in the loss of its once radiant appearance.

The Great Escape of Collagen: As we reach the age of 60, the production of Collagen starts to decline, resulting in a loss of about 50% of its natural amount in our skin. This can lead to decreased elasticity and possible sagging. One might also notice more prominent laugh lines. However, these lines can also be seen as a sign of a life well-lived.

Glow Shift : While our skin's inherent glow may not be as prominent, we may also notice the appearance of age spots. These can be seen as nature's version of freckles, which contribute to the uniqueness of our complexion.

Developed Gaze

The Challenge of Droopy Eyelids: As we age, our skin's collagen and elasticity decrease, resulting in changes to the skin around our eyes. This can lead to sagging of the skin, causing the appearance of under-eye bags and droopy/hooded eyelids, giving the impression of our eyes doing the limbo dance.

Solutions for Shadows and Secrets: It is a common occurrence for mature eyes to have dark circles underneath them. This is due to a thinning of the skin caused by a loss of collagen. In the following sections, we will discuss various methods for managing this issue.

Glasses Glam: As one reaches the age of 60, it is common to experience a decline in eyesight. This may result in challenges when trying to see objects up close or that are small in size. Such changes can greatly impact the process of applying makeup, particularly when it comes to the eyes. However, fear not as I have a great solution to this issue, so continue reading.

Shrinking Lips

The Tale of Collagen: As we age, everything tends to become looser. This includes our lips, which may appear thinner and flatter than before. However, with the right lipstick, this can easily be managed.

Dehydrated Skin at 60: As we age, our skin and lips tend to lose moisture faster, making hydration crucial. To address this, using Rallye Lip Balm is highly recommended.

Exploring the World of Lipstick: As women age, their lips may lose their natural pigment and appear lackluster with increased lines. This can impact the way lip products are applied and how they look on mature women.

Hair Turning Gray

The Shift to Silver: One factor that could affect the appearance of makeup is the graying of hair. While hair can begin to turn grey much earlier than 60, it becomes even more prominent at this age - a symbol of maturity and experience. Let's embrace and showcase it.

Makeup Mingle: How will grey hair impact your makeup? It's important to embrace this natural aspect of aging, as I personally believe it can look stunning. However, you may notice that it may make you appear paler and possibly washed out compared to your usual look. Let's ensure that your makeup doesn't become overly frosty.

Achieving Balance: Incorporating silver hair into one's look involves carefully selecting makeup shades that enhance without overpowering. The challenge lies in finding the perfect equilibrium between light and dark colors. 


Tips and Techniques for Makeup Application for Women Over 60

Makeup tips for women Cver 60: Reclaim Your Glow

While it is inevitable that these changes will occur, there is no cause for concern. We have numerous strategies at our disposal to assist you in aging gracefully.

There is no need for older women to compromise on their makeup due to changes in their skin. It's a matter of adapting and making adjustments to accommodate these changes by implementing a few makeup alterations.

In this article, you will find a variety of helpful tips and techniques to achieve a flawless makeup look for older women and add a youthful radiance. Continue reading to discover what these tips are.

1. Utilize a Makeup Mirror with Magnifying Capabilities

It is highly recommended to begin using a lighted makeup mirror if you are not currently doing so. These mirrors can be incredibly useful.

A magnifying glass can be useful for examining objects at a closer distance. Its adjustable positioning allows for a desired level of closeness. Additionally, the lighting provided by the magnifying glass enhances visibility and clarity.

My preference is for mirrors with two sides. If one chooses to own a mirror, it is best to invest in a high-quality one. Features such as magnification, color-changing lights, a front plug, and the ability to close neatly are desirable.

This makeup mirror, known as the JERDON Tri-Fold Two-Sided Makeup Mirror, is available for purchase on Amazon. It features a trifold design and has two sides for optimal use. The mirror is also equipped with lighting and offers 5x magnification.

My preference is for mirrors with two sides. If one is going to possess a mirror, it should be of high quality. It should have magnifying capabilities, lights that can change color, a plug on the front, and the ability to fold up neatly.

There are also options available with a smaller magnifying mirror that can be attached. These are useful for enlarging objects for better visibility, particularly when applying eye makeup.

2. The Power of Simplicity

Opting for a more natural makeup look can be very complimentary for aging skin, as it doesn't add unnecessary heaviness to the complexion.

When using too much product, it can sink into fine lines and wrinkles, drawing attention to them. To avoid this, it is best to apply makeup with a light touch and in thin layers. This will prevent over-application and a cakey appearance.


3. The Importance of Keeping Your Skin Hydrated

For women over 60, a vital makeup tip is to establish a strong skincare routine. This is crucial as it creates a smooth canvas for makeup application, ensuring that products go on seamlessly.

As we age, our skin tends to become drier, making it crucial to select a QUALITY moisturizer. This will provide the necessary moisture and hydration that our skin may lack. Seek out a moisturizer or facial cream that contains ingredients known for their hydrating properties.

Shea butter, jojoba oil, and hyaluronic acid are all natural ingredients that are highly beneficial in providing moisture and hydration to the skin. These ingredients not only add moisture, but also help to plump the skin, resulting in a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

When it comes to moisturizers, Red Apple Lipstick has recently launched a skin and face lotion that is an ideal choice. The Magic Avocado Skin and Face Lotion is a vegan formula containing natural plant-based ingredients that work together to nourish the skin. Its ingredient list comprises Aloe Vera Juice, Avocado Oil, and Shea butter, all of which deliver deep hydration and revitalization for the skin.

Enchanted Avocado Cream

This moisturizing lotion is entirely derived from plants, utilizing the natural power of nature to hydrate skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines.

For the very same reasons, it is important to keep the lips hydrated. It is recommended to use a lip balm before applying any lip cosmetics and whenever the lips feel dry. Just as you would carefully select a suitable moisturizer, a high-quality lip balm is necessary.

Without a doubt, it is highly recommended to try out Rallye Balm as it is considered one of the top-performing lip balms. This product is effective in protecting the delicate skin of the lips by working within the cell membrane and lipid matrix. It not only soothes and softens, but also aids in maintaining moisture levels.

Gluten Free Lip Balm by Rallye Balm

This highly sought-after lip balm is suitable for all women, especially those who have sensitivities to mainstream cosmetics.

4. Selecting the Right Foundation for Mature Skin Types Can Have a Significant Impact

When considering face makeup, the foundation (or base product) you choose plays a crucial role. For mature skin types, powder foundations are not recommended and should be omitted.

According to makeup artists, powder may not be the best option for textured skin as it lacks moisturizing properties and can accentuate fine lines and wrinkles. In fact, it can even make the skin appear older. To avoid this, it is suggested to use cream, serum, or liquid foundations which provide more hydration.

This is the reason why numerous makeup suggestions for females aged 60 and above advise avoiding dense and flat foundations. This is primarily due to the fact that they have the tendency to settle into wrinkles and creases.

Nowadays, numerous foundations contain highly moisturizing and hydrating components. In the same way that you would search for nourishing ingredients in a moisturizer, it is important to also look for them in a foundation formula. For instance, consider seeking out hyaluronic acid and potentially even natural oils, such as jojoba oil, for added nourishment.

For individuals who do not require extensive coverage but simply desire to even out their skin tone, using a makeup sponge can provide a lighter coverage. However, for those seeking more coverage, using a foundation brush will offer a higher level of coverage compared to a sponge.

For those who wish to reduce their use of makeup or achieve a more natural look, tinted moisturizers or BB creams can be used instead. These products offer hydration to the skin while giving a light, even coverage to even out the complexion. They are a suitable replacement for foundation and can provide mature skin with a youthful, radiant appearance.

5. Select a Hydrating Under-Eye Concealer

Applying a concealer can provide additional coverage and effectively conceal age spots and problem areas, instead of having to apply more layers of foundation all over the face. It is also ideal for brightening dark circles under the eyes.

Due to the sensitivity and dryness of the skin in this particular area, it is important to select a concealer that has a creamy and moisturizing formula. This will not only offer extra moisture and hydration to the skin, but it will also blend effortlessly and seamlessly without causing any strain or irritation to the delicate skin.

Choose a concealer shade that complements your skin's inherent tone to achieve a seamless appearance. For an under-eye concealer, opting for a slightly lighter shade can assist in brightening the area and creating the illusion of more youthful eyes.

Step 6: Incorporate a Touch of Bronzer

Adding bronzer to your makeup routine is an effective method for giving your skin a warm and radiant appearance, especially if your complexion is lacking in brightness.

When it comes to choosing a bronzer, RAL's Sundrop Bronzer is a great option, in addition to a cream formula. This fine powder formula is lightweight and works exceptionally well, even for those with mature skin.

To learn more about utilizing Sundrop Bronzer for a sun-kissed glow, as well as discovering four additional methods,

Bronzer by Sundrop

The hypoallergenic formula made from minerals is suitable for a variety of skin types and tones. Mineral-based formulas are generally more effortless to achieve a desirable appearance.

7. Experiment with a Cream Blush Formula

Creamy makeup products are ideal for mature women as they can provide much-needed moisture for those with dry skin. They can be a valuable ally in combatting dryness.

Cream blushes are an excellent option for mature skin, as they provide hydration and enhance the radiance of the cheeks. While RAL does not have a specific "cream blush" product, their lipsticks can be utilized as a cream blush thanks to their creamy and highly pigmented formula.

An alternative approach would be to transform RAL's powder blushes into a cream or a liquid tint. Instructions on how to achieve this can be found in the Blush How To: Powder Into Cream guide.

As the skin ages, its firmness and elasticity may decrease, causing the apples of the cheeks to sag. In such cases, it is necessary to alter the technique for applying blush.

Typically, blush is put on the cheekbones and then blended towards the temples. Nevertheless, if the cheekbones have started to sag, following this technique may no longer be complimentary and could potentially make you appear older.

Instead of placing your blush on the apples of your cheeks, consider applying it higher towards your cheekbones and blending it towards your temples. This technique can help create a lifted effect on your cheeks and overall face.

8. Choosing Eye Makeup - Opt for Softer, More Natural Tones

As we age, the use of darker and brighter eyeshadow shades may no longer be as complementary as they once were. The heaviness and intensity of these colors can potentially weigh down mature eyes, especially as the shape of the eye changes over time. This can greatly impact the overall appearance of eye makeup.

Opting for lighter and neutral shades of eyeshadow can greatly enhance the appearance of the eyes, creating a more youthful look. It is recommended to choose matte finishes, as they will not accentuate any fine lines or wrinkles around the eyes.

For everyday use, it is recommended to stick to a simpler eye makeup look. Start by applying lighter shades of eyeshadow on the eyelids, gradually moving towards medium shades. To create dimension, add medium to darker shades on the outer corner of the eye.

Hair with Grey Tones: To avoid appearing washed out, it is important to avoid using extremely light shades if you have grey hair. Opt for light to medium shades or deeper medium shades to complement beautiful grey or fully white hair. It is best to find a balance between too light and too dark. According to makeup expert Bobbi Brown, shades such as taupe and soft grays are recommended.

To create a brighter and more awake look for your eyes, it is recommended to use lighter shimmery or satin shades. Applying these shades on the inner corner of the eye and brow bone will enhance the appearance of your eyes. For bigger-looking eyes, focus on applying these shades to the center of your lids. However, it is best to avoid using heavy glittery shadows as they may settle into the fine lines on your lids.

If you are a fan of smokey eye makeup, you don't necessarily have to completely abandon it. It is still a great choice for fancy events and nighttime looks. Rather than sticking to the traditional dark black or grey smokey eye, you could opt for a gentler version by incorporating lighter shades of brown or even mauve into your eyeshadow palette.

Explanation of the Fold

As one ages, the crease above the eyelid, which is where the skin folds, may become less visible. This could be due to a less defined appearance or the eyelid skin starting to droop and cover the crease, making it difficult to see when the eyes are open.

To enhance the appearance of your eyes and make them look bigger and more youthful, it can be beneficial to define the crease. This can be achieved by using an eyeshadow color that is a few shades darker than your skin tone, or you can opt for the Sundrop Bronzer as an alternative.

Gaze into a mirror and maintain an open-eyed stance. Apply your preferred shade (using the Crease and Blend Brush) slightly above your original crease line in order to produce a visible crease when your eyes are open. Use a combination of windshield wiping and small circular motions to blend.

Don't Forget About Your Eyebrows!

Having sparse brows can create a harsh appearance on the face. Conversely, having thicker brows can result in a gentler and more attractive look. That's why it's important to fill in your brows if you are dealing with thinning.

The aim is to achieve full and naturally-looking brows. The most effective method to fill in the brows for a more natural look is by using a combination of eye/brow pencil and eyeshadow. Learn how to do it here.

9. It is recommended to line the eyes, but it is best to avoid using thick eyeliner.

The application of thick and heavy eyeliner can create a harsh appearance, especially for aging skin, as it can further weigh down the eye. However, it is not advisable to completely forgo using eyeliner. When applied correctly, it can enhance the beauty of your eyes and make them stand out.

To achieve the desired effect, it is best to keep the application of liner simple and close to the lash line. The thickness and heaviness of the liner are not necessary to make an impact. Using a thinner and softer liner will effectively draw attention to the eyes without highlighting any unflattering areas.

Instead of opting for liquid or gel eyeliner, try using a high-pigment eye pencil that has a creamier consistency. Depending on your complexion, choose a brown, dark brown, or black eyeliner pencil.

For a smoother application, using a creamier eye pencil can reduce the need for tugging and pulling on the eyelids. Although, it may still be necessary to carefully (and we do mean carefully) hold and pull the lids in place for a seamless line.

10. Apply Liner to the Lips

To achieve a plumper appearance for thinning lips, it is recommended to use lip liner to outline the lips. It is advised to select a lip liner in a natural tone, one that closely matches the natural color of your lips.

For a more voluminous appearance, place your lip liner along the outer perimeter of your lips, extending slightly past your natural lip line.

Applying lip liner can also assist in preventing the spread or smudging of lip color. This is a common occurrence in older lips due to the presence of more creases and folds where the color can seep into.

11. Stay Away from Dark Lip Shades

As previously mentioned, dark eyeshadow may not be the most complimentary. Similarly, this applies to lipstick shades that are excessively dark. Using very dark lipstick can give the illusion of thinner lips appearing even smaller.

To achieve a more attractive appearance for your lips, opt for a color that is slightly darker than your natural lip shade. This will accentuate your lips without giving the illusion of smaller lips.

It is important to remember that opting for a very pale lipstick shade can result in a washed out appearance. Therefore, caution should be exercised when selecting lighter tones and nude shades.

Looking for assistance in selecting the perfect lipstick colors? Don't worry, we have you covered.

Here are a few makeup suggestions that are not only favored by makeup professionals, but are also highly recommended for mature women. Give them a try and notice how your makeup will greatly improve, enhancing your features and providing a more youthful look.

For additional makeup advice for mature women, take a look at these other articles:


What can I do to give my 60-year-old eyes a more youthful appearance?

When it comes to eye makeup, it is recommended to keep it understated. Instead of opting for darker shades, choose lighter nudes and neutral eyeshadow colors. A thinner and more subtle eyeliner, applied close to the lash line, is ideal. To create a wider and more youthful look, highlight the inner corner and brow bone. And don't neglect defining the crease to add dimension to the eyes.

What are some ways to use makeup to achieve a more youthful appearance for aging skin?

Begin by selecting hydrating and luminous base products rather than matte ones. Prioritize properly moisturized skin before using any makeup items. Experiment with cream-based options for blush and bronzer.

What type of makeup is suitable for a 60-year-old?

For a more youthful look, women in their 60s should opt for moisturizing and light-reflecting products that can enhance their complexion with a natural glow. To learn more about this, be sure to refer to this article.

Is it appropriate for a woman in her 60s to wear eyeliner?

Agreed, she should definitely use a different approach. A more gentle and subtle eyeliner is recommended for women in their 60s. Opt for a creamier eye pencil formula to achieve a thinner line that is closer to the lashes. It is best to stay away from harsh gel eyeliners and liquid ones.

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